Friday, September 11, 2009

Error #6? WTF's not found?

I woke up at about 3am today sweating from a bad nightmare that I had been having. But even then I wasn't clear on what my nightmare was. All I could recall was a few blue laptops circling around in an endlessly black space, with some rectangular contraption at the centre of it all. Not knowing what on earth had got me awake, I just had a glass of water and went back to sleep, and quite promptly forgot about the whole business.

I woke again at 7am, this time to use the toilet. While there, slowly the fractured images from that laptop nightmare came back, and then, to my horror, I realized what I had been dreaming about. It was the 7th sem networks lab external exam, where that work of total absurdity called NetSim was the only thing that stood in my way of being finished with data sheets and lab records and idiotic windows software forever.

The more I thought about it, I came to view NetSim as both the best and worst thing about college. Best, because it was the last lab thing ever, you could not do it wrong, it was downright cheap, even a cat on the internet could figure how to use it, and it hardly took any time to finish up. Worst, because, the fact that something this cheap was taught to 7th semester engineers-to-be who were attending some truly challenging placement tests during the same semester, I had to draw tables and graphs, the syllabus book was totally wrong, and that the ridiculousness of the whole exercise didn't bother me in the least. On hindsight, that was a horrifying thought.

Nothing comes close to summarizing VTU academics like it. Here we have a software that according to the lab attender cost lakhs of rupees, (therefore we could not take it home on a CD), that required a user name and password and didn't save state beyond power off, and felt like the biggest insult to my intelligence over the last 4 years. It parallels the greater college ordeals perfectly (cost in the lakhs of rupees, no saving info after class is over, username and password become USN and name, and one inept lecture after another like NetSim experiments).

I feel as stupid as Bush just thinking about it. Especially whenever it told me that it's dongle was missing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hi Everyone,
This is sad, real real sad, the so called elite engineers of the proud India can't spare few minutes to post a blog !!. This is not the official "Manoj Kumar Blog" This blog is for all the 2009 batch students of RVCE, to share their experiences on and off the college.. My humble request to you guys is don't make this blog as another orkut community, participate..!! Don't sit on your lazy asses and think someone else will do it, have some balls and take up the initiative and change something..!! This is Real Real Sad..!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Race Track Episode

"Rascals..!!Do you think its a college road or a race track...?? You idiots.."- Courtesy Rvce staff.
This is one of those incidents i feel worth mentioning. We(Me, Kini,Karthik) as usual were late to the college. And the "Legendary Driver" Mr.Karthik was driving the car. It was the time where our college staff added one more stupid rule to their book of enquiring the late comer s at the gate and not letting them in. Luckily for us the college gate was wide open and the staff was waiting under a tree hiding to catch the culprits, he saw us coming he ordered us to stop..!! But the man on the driver seat(the self acclaimed Schumi!!), raised the accelerator and boom..!! and we went to the hostel grounds to be safe and parked it there. We got down from the car, and looked back.. There was a black swift came in rushingly towards us driven by Pavit Singh but on the other seat there was the guy who tried to stop at the gate..!! He got down.. and yelled "Rascals..!!Do you think its a college road or a race track...?? You idiots..". Then he took us to the Crazy Sharma but luckily he was not available, so we met the director who asked "Which dept. ?" We said "Computer Science..", And he replied "Oh..! then i can suspend you now..!!" Luckily we escaped with a warning that day.. The next day we were late again.. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I'll have my first post with something related to CS fellows.

The one thing that associated me so much with them was sports. Playing with them, yes. But that was just a small group.

THE UPDATES. Yes, you got that. I was famous for sitting at home or starting really late whenever there was a match. Any sport, not just cricket. So I'd text them the details regularly. As Aruna put it, my updates used to be instant, detailed and free. Lol!

Watch this space for more stuff....

Sunday, August 23, 2009


After four years of engineering, here are a couple of questions for which I still dont know the answer :

- Why do girls get their shopping bags to college?

- Why do guys get their bags to college?

Here is a question for which I do know the answer:

What is long, hard, crooked and has s**t behind it?
The road to RV (If you have other answers, feel free to comment)

Friday, August 21, 2009

My second post

"I still remember my first day in college. It was a Monday...". Well that's all my first post read. It was promptly deleted by Mr.Manoj. That's the problem about posting on someone else's blog or working for others. So be an entrepreneur(alvenlaa manoja?? :P). So technically this is my second post, though probably none of you read my first post. But you did read it right at the beginning of this post. So that makes you having read and not read my post at the same time, the kind of stuff only RVites can do. They can be present in class and still not be present. They can listen to a pretty girl talk and still not listen. They can post on blogs looking sensible and still not be.

Now let us look at a broad question. What is RV?? RV is not just an institution. RV is a philosophy. RV is a work of art in progress. RV is a brand. Oh man, who am I kidding? RV is just another engineering college in Karnataka, like some 150 others. But I made some great friends there, which makes me fight my sleep and post to this blog because one of those friends asked me to do so. Watch this space for more on RV. Btw, number of colleges is now 151.

P.S : Manoja, please dont delete this. Type maadiddikkadru swalpa maryaade kodu. Proper post later. Ratan Tata bitre naane. "A promise is a promise".


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hi InfoSci's

Hello all my Info Sci friends..
Welcome to the Blog..!!I would like to thank Sharma for inviting you all for the blog.. Keep it as interesting and enjoyable as your Department..!! Keep Posting.. Keep Blogging.. Cheers :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My first disappointment with RVCE

I remember the first day, after my counselling, I went to our college for the first time with my parents. I was all starry eyed and had already started day dreaming about the college. In my head, RV was a magical place where all our wishes came true.. So naturally, it had to be breath-taking in view.. Anyway, all we knew was that RV was on Mysore Road.. We hired an auto and started off our journey to my "dreamland".. I expected a huge archway welcoming me to RVCE... When we came near RR gate, i thought I had reached my destination.. But alas! It had to be some signboard for a temple which was atleast a couple of miles further away.. My hopes of finding the "exotic archway" started diminishing as fast as the metre in the auto. Finally we came across a bus stop called Kengeri.. I remembered a senior telling me that RV was a mile before the stop.. I got down and asked a guy in a medical shop regarding the location of RV.

I expected him to be awestruck.. But to my disappointment, he wasn't.. Anyway, he told me, "Illinda U turn tagoli. Strait hogi.. 2 km hodmele DreamLand anta ondu hotel kaansatte. Adara opposite nimma RV college..." Now it was like I had hit rock bottom.. I got into the auto once again.. And reached Hotel DreamLand.. And lo behold! There it was.. A ramshackle looking place with a rusty board swaying madly in the wind to greet us.. It was as though someone had reached down my intestine and started tugging at while kicking me in the crotch.. The security guard then opened the already canted gate. It creaked open as though warning me to return from there itself.. I dared to go in.. On reaching the CS Dept, my mom said," So this is the college u were talking about eh... Care to do a rethink???"

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Second Post

Still can't forget the first day of my college, i was walking into the gate of the RVCE and thinking that my life is going to rock, and there was my first dissappointment waiting near the civil department tree.. "Some Guy Was Sitting under the Tree with a "Basic electronic Text book" in his hand and STUDYING.!!!". It was the first day of the college..!! Man..!!

First Post

Hey People,
Lets not search in Facebook's for our friends contacts and ping them to ask them what they are upto, let this a common consortium where in you can be in touch with all your batch mates of the Legendary RVCE CSE[Pun intended :)]. Keep Blogging. Cheers :)